The mission of the Center, as well as the Faculty that came before it, evolved over the years, but it nevertheless relies heavily on Flacius’ vision of the truth of the Reformation being spread and developed, and the need to educate parish priests, pastors, theologians, and other church ministers, who would then work on accomplishing this mission.
Naturally, the fundamental mission has been continuously integrated into specific settings of Croatian society, and could be described as an aspiration of the Center to be an area within Croatian society designated for:
- promotion of theological culture and education
- research and promotion of the heritage of the reformation
- affirmation and development of ecumenism
- research and advancement of religious freedoms, human rights, and Christian peacemaking
This mission requires particular activities to be defined, among which are:
- scientific research in the field of theology, social sciences and humanities related to theology
- undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate education in the field of theology, including the education of church officials
- practical application of scientific findings and the advancement of dialogue through projects related to theology, religion, and culture
- international cooperation
- promotion of scientific findings within education and media
- publishing
- popularization of theological education, especially within Protestant communities
Plans for development
The Center plans to get involved in the European student and teacher exchange programs, and to continue and further develop its cooperation with foreign teachers from Europe and the U.S. Since 2018 the students can complete their practical courses abroad.
Intensive cooperation with European and American partners is being formed to enlarge the library holdings and establish a library-information system in line with the highest contemporary standards. The recent founding of the Center opened up new possibilities for academic cooperation, meaning that negotiations and initial implementation of several international scientific projects are currently in progress.
As more and more students of theology in the world begin their studies after their 30s, the Center began to develop a lifelong learning program, based on cooperation with both domestic and international partners and supporters. The implementation of this study program is planned within the next three years.
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